Mobile youth work – work with young people in their residential area that does not have a youth work infrastructure, taking into account the individual needs of young people living in that area.

Principles and activities for the provision of mobile youth work services:

  • To develop young people’s social and life skills;
  • Create a safe, open, informal, non-binding environment in which the young person can come, be with friends and interact with peers;
  • To help young people identify their needs, feelings, fears, learn to recognize them, understand them and learn to manage them;
  • Empower: to help discover and identify young people’s resources and talents;
  • Provide assistance and guidance: counseling and information, assistance in problematic situations;
  • Provide individual youth work services;
  • To help young people develop local initiatives to address the day-to-day problems they face.
  • Reliability and confidentiality – the foundation of mobile youth services.


  • Monika Milčiūtė
  • Greta Garalevičiūtė